Wide Range of Medical Facilities under one roof

Urban living in the 21st Century is not the kind of living our bodies were designed for. The fast pace of life, stress, sedentary lifestyle, travel, irregular eating habits and the ever attendant toxic pollutants in air, water and food, all serve to wear out our bodies at an alarming rate.

What it is?

In a quest to perform, today’s Executive thinks fit to take care of himself, Slowly diminishing eyesight, stamina, energy, span of concentration, and patience on one hand and increasing headaches, acidity, forgetfulness, body aches on the other are expected to fade away. One seldom gives them the kind of attention they need and deserve, Ironically, in organisation, where even machines get preventive maintenance, the executives health remains totally neglected.

Who Benefits?

While these men are carefully planning the healthy life of our organisation, Who cares for their health? Who, for that matter cares for your?

A slight heart pain, cardiac arrest, a bill running in six figures, and an immeasurable loss to the company. Can you afford to lose your key executive time? Is an insurance cover the only way to show that you care for them and their families?

What is the Solution?

The Executive Health Scheme (EHS) is designed to meet this organizational need. We realize the importance of the individual and of time. Therefore we carry out a comprehensive set of medical tests and examinations, in half a day, under one roof. This is followed by a detailed physical examination with the reports of the tests to ensure you have the best perspective on our health.

Instructions to be followed

Please bring the following samples with you on the day your appointment: Urine & Stool

Collect first morning urine & stool in sterilized bottles.
The Bottles can be collected one day earlier from the Pathology at ground floor between 9-00 A.M. to 5-00 P.M.

You are requested to come (12 hours) fasting at 9-00 A.M.

Please do not consume tea. You may however have water.

No Alcohol for at least 24 hours before the test.

In case you are undergoing any treatment, we suggest you check with your physician before taking an appointment.

For any other inquiries please contact on

Note: You are requested to collect your reports & have consultation after two days between 5-00 P.M. to 7-00 P.M. with prior appointment.

Health Checkup Packages

Platinum Health Checkup (Full Body)

per head

    Test includes:
  • Blood- CBC, ESR, Blood Grou & RH factor, G6PD
  • Urine- Urine Routine
  • Stool Profile- Stool Routine
  • Diabetic Profile- FBS, PPBS, HbAlc
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per head

    Test includes:
  • Blood, Urine, Stool Tests
  • Diabetic, Lipid, Renal, Liver Profile
  • X-Ray, ECG & Sonography Tests
  • Pap Smear(Women only)
  • Additional Tests
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per head

    Test includes:
  • Blood, Urine, Stool Tests
  • Diabetic, Lipid, Renal, Liver Profile
  • X-Ray & Sonography Tests
  • Pap Smear(Women only)
  • Additional Tests
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per head

    Initial Evaluation:
  • FBS, PPBS Tests & Lipid Profile
  • HbA1c, Blood Urea, Creatinine
  • Urine, Urine Microalbuminural
  • ECG Resting & Physical Examination
  • Counceling & Consultation
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per head

    Test includes:
  • Pathological, Diabetes & Diagnostic Test
  • Test for Cardiac Profile
  • Cardiac Evaluation
  • Test for Kidney Profile
  • Dietician Advice
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per head

    Test includes:
  • Blood Profile: CBC
  • Diabetic Profile: Random Blood Sugar
  • Kidney Profile: Serum Creatinine, Serum PSA
  • Urine: Urine Routine
  • Sonography: USG KUB
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