Diabetes Is not a disease it is a disorder, it just needs proper care & attention!
A serious, life-long disorder and should not be ignored, if not prevented at the right time can lead to other severe complications. About one-third of the people do not know they have diabetes and are not under medical care.

Individuals with diabetes are at increased risk for heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and lower extremity amputations not related to injuries. Diabetes and its complications occur among all ages. The burden of the disease, however, is heavier among who:-

Are over 45 years old.

Are over weight.

Have a family history of diabetes.

Have high cholesterol.

Have had gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Have given birth to a baby that weighted more than 9 lbs.

Exercise less than 3 times a week.

Know about Diabetes :

Diabetes is a most common disorder, Diabetes occurs when the body fails to process sugar correctly. If left untreated can cause to many other serious problems.

Type I -

Diabetes Type I most often occurs before age 30, but may strike at any age. In this type of diabetes there is a deficiency of insulin in the body. Only treatment is insulin and regular follow up.

Type II -

Diabetes common amongst middle aged to elderly and obese this is by far more prevalent variety. In this disorder there is a problem in action and not the quality of insulin released. Requires oral medications and insulin’s at later stage. Comprehensive multi specialty care can significantly bring down the incidences of eye, kidney, foot, neurological diseases. Though cant be cured but quality of life significantly improved.

Gestational Diabetes: -

Gestational diabetes (GD) affects about 4 percent of all pregnant women. It usually appears during the second trimester and disappears after the birth of the baby. When GD is not controlled, complications can affects both you and your baby. We can help you work out a diet and exercise plan, and possibly medication. Having GD increases your risk for developing it again during future pregnancies and also raises your risk of Type II diabetes later in life.

Blood sugar levels and their meaning:

According to American Diabetic Association (2007) Guidelines

[I] Fasting -

i.e. blood sugar levels empty stomach

110 mg% : implies normal individual with no immediate risk.

110-126% impaired fasting glucose which implies that though the person is not diabetic right but there is a risk of getting diabetes later on specially in presence of other comorbid conditions like obesity and diabetes.

[II] PP ( Post Prandial) -

i.e. blood sugar levels done 1 and a half hours after meals.

140 mg% : normal value

140-200 mg% : impaired glucose tolerance. Though the person is not diabetic right now but there is a risk of getting diabetes later on specially in presence of other comorbid conditions like obesity and diabetes.

200 mg% : patient is a diabetic.

While you cannot change some of these factors, you can change others. Correct treatment can help you live a long and healthy life.

At Bombay Hospital we have designed the chronic care programme for diabetes specially to help you manage your diabetes for a better & healthier lifestyle.

The programme includes:


Investigation &

Regular Follow ups.

Initial Evaluation FBS
Lipid Profile
HbA1c(Glycosylated Hb)
Blood Urea
S. Creatinine
Urine Routine
Urine Microalbuminural
ECG Resting
History & Physical Examination by General Physician
Counceling By Dietician
Ophthalmic Consultation
The cost of the package is Rs. 1,800/-

Tel. : 0731-4771111