The Department of GI And hepato-pancreatico-biliary surgery at Bombay Hospital Indore, is a superspecialized center of integrated care for gastrointestinal and hepatobilary diseases . We offer patient centric quality care built on evidence, compassion and innovation.
The Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Program at Bombay hospital is built around our team of globally recognized gastrointestinal , liver and pancreas surgeons. Working with other specialists, our team provides consistent and seamless treatment for patients with malignancies and diseases in the ,gastrointestinal tract,pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile duct. During one appointment at the Bombay hospital you will meet with leading medical gastroenterologist and medical oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists and nutritionists. These specialists work together to provide expert medical treatment and deeply compassionate care at every stage of your journey.
Bombay hospital is one of the centers in the country that performs liver and pancreas operations with both the traditional open method and minimally invasive operations.
The depth of surgical experience enables specialized care in fields such as Gastrointestinal Oncosurgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery ,colorectal surgery . Clinics and resources have been designed to help the patient meet all relevant doctors and obtain necessary investigations and treatment smoothly and efficiently.
Bombay hospital is supported by the best hospital infrastructure in the region, including Class I modular operation theaters, state of the art sterilization systems such as Plasma Sterilization, advanced energy devices such as Harmonic Scalpel and Ligasure, operating microscopes as well as the latest generation laparoscopic equipment.
Surgical excellence in the 21st century depends on a combination of experienced surgeons, well trained healthcare personnel, adhering to international standards of treatment, advanced technology and a humane approach. Bombay hospital aspires to provide all these factors to every patient.
We are now treating complex diseases also like pancreatic cyst ,pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor ,gastrointestinal stromal tumor ,complex recurrent hernia ,gastrointestinal diseases in childhood like malrotation and choledochal cyst.
Frequently, complete surgical resection remains the only chance of cure in patients with HPB malignancies. However, these cancers are commonly deemed unresectable due to involvement of major vasculature. Utilizing surgical techniques from transplantation, our surgeons are experienced in performing complex vascular resections and reconstructions for otherwise inoperable malignancies. These technically complex surgeries are best performed in high-volume experienced tertiary centers such as ours.
Liver and gall bladder related disorder –gall stone ,CBD stone, obstructive jaundice, choledochal cyst, liver cyst, chronic liver disease, acute liver failure, liver transplantation, Primary sclerosing cholangitis, recurrent pyogenic cholangitis.
Colorectal related disorder- fissure in ano, fistula in ano, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, rectovaginal fistula.
All type of hernia, AWR ( ABDOMINAL WALL RECONSTRUCTION ), laproscopic inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, recurrent incisional hernia.
Disorder trelated to GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatus hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, diaphragmatic eventration).
Pancrease related problam –acute pancreatitis,chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cyst, splenic cyst, splenic trauma.
All gastrointestinal cancer –stomach cancer, esophagus cancer, colorectal cancer, Benign and malignant liver tumor,gall bladder cancer, cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer).
Pancrease cancer, neuroendocrine tumor, rare malignancy of gastrointestinal tract.
Advanced laproscopic and bariatric surgery, achlasia cardia.
General laparoscopic surgery such as appendicectomies, cholecystectomies, splenectomies and adrenalectomies.
hepaticojejunostomy, major liver resections, small and large bowel resections, splenectomy, abdominoperineal resection etc. are also performed, with minimum complication rates.
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